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102: A Simple Method to Reclaim Your Time

Hi Mate!

Do you ever feel like your days are just a series of tasks, leaving no room for personal interests or just to chill?

You're not alone.

Unfortunately, we’re all on that hamster wheel.

Imagine being stuck in this endless loop of busyness. You could miss out on learning new skills, enhancing your fitness, or spending quality time with family and friends.

It’s not just about being busy; it’s about missing the chance to evolve into the best version of yourself.

This used to be my life, filled with stress and anxiety.

Discovering a Japanese Secret for Peak Productivity

I discovered a Japanese time management method called Sukima-time—translated as ‘Gap Time’—which refers to the small intervals during our day that we often overlook.

For instance, by using Sukima-time, I turned five minutes of waiting for coffee into a chance to do some light sketching or mindfulness meditation session.

Below, I’ll share some examples of how I’ve utilized Sukima-time in my life to get more done without going insane.

Understanding Sukima-Time

Before Sukima-time:

I used to spend about 5 hours daily on activities such as:

  • Using my phone in the restroom.

  • Taking showers or baths.

  • Commuting.

  • Waiting for someone.

  • Scrolling through social media.

  • Pursuing trivial activities.

  • Watching Netflix for long periods.

  • Eating and drinking.

  • Doing household chores.

After Sukima-time:

I’ve since redefined these activities into more meaningful experiences by integrating them with Sukima-time:

  • Learn something new. Listen to audiobooks or podcasts while commuting.

  • Improve a skill. Review study notes while waiting in line.

  • Read more. Opt for reading instead of Netflix in free time.

  • Enhance relationships. Call friends while doing chores.

  • Focus on well-being. Practice mindfulness during routine.

  • Plan your day. Organize tasks during downtime.

  • Clearing inbox. Reply to messages during short breaks.

Beginning Your Sukima-Time Journey

To spot these small pockets of time that get wasted, consider using the Toggl app to conduct a time audit for a week. This will help you understand how you spend your time and identify moments that can be optimized.

Discover Hidden Time Gems: 

To uncover these often-missed opportunities, I suggest using a time-tracking tool like Toggl for a one-week audit. You’ll be surprised at how much time slips away unnoticed.

Personal Insight: 

For example, my audit revealed that I spent an average of 128 minutes daily just commuting. By dedicating this time to listening to audiobooks or podcasts, I’ve learned so many new things that have improved my life for best.

Take Action: 

Begin by downloading a time-tracking app and monitor your daily activities for a week. Pay special attention to those moments that seem insignificant—they hold the potential for personal growth and productivity.

Valuing Every Moment

Don’t let these precious moments slip away unnoticed. Choose to invest your time wisely. Embrace Sukima-time, and watch as your productivity increases and your life becomes more fulfilling.

Catch you on Thursday at 5:31 AM EST!
