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  • 48: A Powerful Productivity Method That Never Fails (Archive)

48: A Powerful Productivity Method That Never Fails (Archive)

Feeling the weight of unaccomplished tasks? I get it. The struggle to break the cycle of unproductive days is all too familiar. But what if I told you there's a simple yet powerful technique that could turn things around? Enter the "Daily Highlight" method—a game-changer that transformed my daily productivity and allowed me to consistently publish this newsletter.

1. Increased Focus and Clarity: Get ready to zero in on what truly matters.

2. Improved Productivity: Say goodbye to those lingering to-dos.

3. Greater Sense of Accomplishment: Imagine ending each day on a high note.

4. Reduced Stress and Anxiety: Bid farewell to the daily grind's overwhelming burden.

1. Nightly Task List: Before hitting the hay, jot down all your tasks for the next day.

2. Select Your Highlight: Identify the one task that screams importance and accomplishment. This is your "Daily Highlight."

3. Calendar Commitment: Reserve a sacred time slot in your calendar for your chosen highlight.

1. [Book] Make Time by Jake Knapp and John Zeratsky

2. [Article] Choose a Highlight To Make Time Every Day

Ready to bid farewell to those nightly regrets? Give the Daily Highlight technique a spin, and let productivity become your new daily companion.

Time is a created thing. To say ‘I don't have time’ is to say ‘I don't want to.’ — Lao Tzu.

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