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  • 67: A Simple Trick To Always Stay Motivated (Science-Based) (Archive)

67: A Simple Trick To Always Stay Motivated (Science-Based) (Archive)

There have been countless days in my life when faced with an important task, I'd make the excuse that the motivation wasn't there at the moment. Unfortunately, more often than not, that motivation never showed up, resulting in a day wasted.

My perspective underwent a significant shift when I stumbled upon a scientific study suggesting that motivation often follows action, rather than the other way around. This simple change in mindset proved to be a game-changer, helping me maintain motivation throughout the day.

1. Banishing Procrastination: Waiting for motivation often leads to procrastination and missed opportunities. Taking action, regardless of internal feelings, allows consistent progress and goal achievement.

2. Stress-Free Focus: Focusing on action shifts the attention from internal feelings to external outcomes, reducing stress and promoting a more relaxed approach to achieving goals.

3. Eliminating Mental Burden: Prioritizing action removes the mental burden. Energy is channeled directly into tasks, enhancing focus and discipline for sustained work.

4. Building Resilience: Emphasizing systems and habits builds resilience. Even on unmotivated days, pre-established systems keep you moving, preventing productivity slumps and fostering perseverance through challenges.

5. Boosting Confidence: Taking action, even in small ways, cultivates confidence and a sense of accomplishment. This positive feedback loop can fuel further action, propelling you towards your goals.

1. Define Your "Bare Minimum": Choose a specific task and define your "bare minimum" action related to your larger goal. For instance, it could be writing a single sentence for your book. Keep it ridiculously small.

2. Allocate 5-10 Minutes: Block off a short, specific timeframe, say 5-10 minutes, for this micro-mission. Set a timer if needed, eliminate distractions, and just do it. No overthinking, no excuses—just action for that brief burst.

3. Celebrate Every Completion: Regardless of how insignificant it might seem, celebrate each micro-mission completion.

1. [Book] The Motivation Myth by Jeff Haden

2. [Video] How to Stop Procrastinating

You feel motivated because you took action. Motivation is a result, not a precondition. You don’t need motivation to break a sweat. Break a sweat and you’ll feel motivated. ― Jeff Haden

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