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  • 65: Perfectionism Is Holding You Back From Achieving More (Archive)

65: Perfectionism Is Holding You Back From Achieving More (Archive)

If you've ever found yourself caught in the relentless pursuit of perfection, forever feeling that your efforts could be better, rest assured you're not alone. Billions of individuals, including myself, have grappled with the constraints of perfectionism.

In the clutches of this perfection trap, there were countless instances when I submitted assignments right on the brink of deadlines. Despite dedicating days to the work, an unsettling feeling lingered – the persistent belief that it wasn't good enough.

Acknowledging the detrimental path I was on, I decided to break free from this perfectionist cycle. This year, I embarked on a journey to escape its clutches, and I'm eager to guide you on the same liberating path for a more fulfilling life.

1. Reduced stress and anxiety: The fear of imperfection fuels stress and anxiety. Letting go of this pressure allows for a more relaxed and breathable approach to life.

2. Boosted self-esteem: Embracing imperfections and valuing efforts over outcomes cultivates self-compassion and a genuine appreciation for one's own worth.

3. Increased action and progress: Perfectionism often paralyzes with procrastination. Releasing the pursuit of flawlessness empowers you to initiate projects, accomplish tasks, and move forward without getting stuck in the pursuit of perfection.

4. Deeper connections: Authenticity and vulnerability become attainable when the need for a perfect facade is discarded, paving the way for stronger, more meaningful relationships.

1. Aim for "good enough" rather than perfection. Allow yourself to share or present work without agonizing over every detail.

2. Treat yourself with kindness and understanding. Embrace the fact that mistakes are part of the learning process, offering opportunities for growth.

3. Celebrate your efforts and milestones, even if the final outcome isn't flawless. Focus on the journey of learning and personal development, not just the end result.

1. [Video] The Perfection Trap: Why Perfectionism Is Your Enemy

2. [Video] When you're a perfectionist but time is finite

The first draft of anything is shit. - Ernest Hemingway

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