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55: A Bad Habit That Can Terribly Impact Your Productivity (Archive)

If you've been following my newsletter, you're well aware of my unyielding pursuit of productivity hacks. Despite trying various techniques, I found myself trapped in a cycle of failure, sinking into a state of depression and lethargy. The culprit? A habit that many, including myself, have fallen victim to—the disregard for quality sleep.

Entering the abyss of TikTok and YouTube Shorts, I stumbled upon a video highlighting the detrimental impact of poor sleep on productivity. It struck a chord, mirroring my own struggles. I decided it was time for a change. Delving into longer videos on the subject, I embarked on a journey to improve my sleep routine.

Today, I'm elated to report that my sleep has vastly improved, leading to a significant boost in productivity. If you've traversed similar struggles, this piece aims to guide you toward a life and productivity upgrade.

1. Cognitive Function: Sleep enhances learning, memory consolidation, and alertness, fostering better focus and problem-solving skills.

2. Physical Performance: Tissue repair and muscle recovery during sleep result in increased energy, better stamina, and improved endurance.

3. Mood and Emotions: Quality sleep promotes emotional well-being, combating irritability, anxiety, and depression, enabling effective work and sustained motivation.

1. Establish a Fixed Routine: Stick to a consistent sleep schedule regardless of circumstances.

2. Screen Time Management: Avoid screens at least an hour before bedtime, or use the blue light filter to mitigate disruptions to your sleep cycle.

3. Bedtime Alarm: Set a bedtime alarm, treating it as you would your wake-up alarm.

1. [Book] Why We Sleep by Dr. Matthew Walker

2. [Video] Dr. Matthew Walker: The Science & Practice of Perfecting Your Sleep

Sleep is an investment in the energy you need to be effective tomorrow. – Tom Roth

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